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Pregnancy Crisis Centers per State, 2018

Crisis pregnancy centers offer support and alternatives usually to poor women seeking abortions where such services are not available. They actively discourage women, in general, from getting abortions and are often religiously affiliated. 

Based on loosely counts of the dataset shown here:

While this is a copyrighted dataset, I think the public educational value of showing this data aggregated exceeds any restrictions they may have on the easily downloaded dataset that can also be gleamed largely from Open Street Map and phone books. 

Pregnancy Crisis Centers per State, 2018

While I should do this more frequently, I finally checked …

While I should do this more frequently, I finally checked, which is the US government’s authorized way to getting your annual credit report for free. No surprises here, but I have to admit I hadn’t checked it in quite a while.

I probably should check it more often – one of my credit cards I’ve had for years was closed last month due to inactivity. Which is fine, but it’s kind of good to know before I tried to use it somewhere. I don’t remember the bank notifying me about the closed account. Which means I now have less credit then probably most dogs in America, and while credit score is in the shitter because I told the bank to give me low credit limit far below was authorized, but I don’t care as I rarely buy things.

I should be more careful. One of my bank accounts passwords were hacked a while back (but stopped by two-way authentication and a call from the bank), and I had that issue with that gun that I tried to buy a few years back at a famously anti-second amendment Big Box retailer that is locally all around and famously shitty to do business. I was denied because I was told that I had previously tried to purchase it somewhere else as labeled a Straw Buyer in NICS over the transaction. I never got any answers on that from the store or the police department, but I think the clerk just entered the wrong store number. Yeah, I’m still bitter about that one.