
A take on β€œMeatless Mondays” and β€œVegan Fridays”

I don’t eat much meat anymore due to the high cost due to inflation and unhealthy omega-6 saturated fats. Saturated fats are bad news. They’re fine as a treat but you shouldn’t be gorging on them regularly.

Probably the meat I eat the most these days is canned chicken, mostly because I will throw a can in the big pots of chicken soup I make, although I generally do more tuna fish instead because it’s less expensive and omega-3 fats. Used to buy frozen chicken to broil but it’s not worth the effort to cook, might as well just have salmon for the omega-3s. Tastes better too.

I do like fat free plain Greek yogurt and occasionally cottage cheese though I’ve lately cut back on the latter due to the high salt content. And of course skim milk in coffee and reduced fat Parmesan cheese as a topping.

Rice and lentils are my go to source for protein. Cheap and so many different ways to cook with spices so never gets boring. Then different types of soup, edamame, homemade whole wheat bread for carbs and always mixing up and snacking on fruits and veggies.

I’m not saying I won’t occasionally eat other things when visiting friends and family for holidays and special events but when you are in your second half of your life you really think twice about what you put in your mouth.

Rat Creek

The valley that Empire State Plaza crosses is called the Rutten Kill Valley, which is Dutch for “Rat Creek”.

While some people say it refers to urban, common, brown rats that are an invasive species from Europe, “Rat Creek” most likely refers to muskrats, the common furbearer that burrows along the bank of creeks and are commonly trapped and skinned for their pelts in our state.

It’s Black Friday and the orgy of consumerism πŸ›οΈ

It’s Black Friday and the orgy of consumerism πŸ›οΈ

While I don’t own a colored television and are immune to much of the advertising these days, it seems like many of the frenzied sales of years past have been dialed back with the pandemic and the problematic nature of crowded shopping mauls. But to a certain extent its moved online.

I really don’t understand why people would want robot vaccums or internet connected toasters. But a quick search of the internet says they’re hot gifts this year. I don’t know, I tend to think they’re toxic e-waste meant to be used for a while and tossed. Kind of silly if you ask me.

I don’t plan to stand on line to get vaccinated from the China virus nor do I plan to stand in line for overpriced Chinese junk with some fancy label on it. I hate lines and I hate crowds, and social distancing is helping to keep myself safe. I’m heading up to the Adirondacks where I doubt I’ll see many except for an occasional hunter passing by in a pickup.

A Vulgur Essay on Consumerism

I was told the other day, I should buy more shit. πŸ’©

I’m like no, I’m tired of things breaking all the time and needing maintenance. I’m happy with the shit I already have.Β I don’t need anymore. I’d rather use the money, save and invest it, so I have a more secure retirement, and eventually can afford land that will be my own little kingdom in the wilderness.
