Smith Road

Smith Road is the closest road to Lowville in the Independence River Wild Forest, and is 12 miles east of Watson on Number Four Road. Offers roadside camping over 4 miles of road that wander through the Independence River Wild Forest. The first campsite, which is located at the site of the former ranger’s cabin and firetower (both relocated to the Lowville Demostration Forest), offers cellphone service, in an open field setting. Other campsites along the road are heavily wooded.

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Smith Road Campsite 1

There are three major dead-end roads in the Independence River Wild Forest, which each have 10 campsites on them. This review focuses Smith Road Campsite 1, which is the nearest campsite to the end of Smith Road, near where it intersects Number 4 Road. This campsite is located where the old ranger’s cabin was located, and there is a trail in the woods, to the location of the long-removed Number 4 Firetower.

Rankings: Campsites are ranked from 0 to 10, based on the described attributes.

Overall 8 Lack of Enforcement Presence 6
Scenic Beauty 5 Facilities 7
Cleanliness 9 On-Site Attractions 2
Privacy 8 Nearby Attractions 5
Layout 10 Cellphone and Data Services 8

Rainy Morning

  • Roughly 1/8th mile south of Number Four Road at Smith Road, Number Four, NY
  • Roughly 18 miles east of Lowville
  • N 43.85489 W 75.19837
  • No charge
  • 3-nights maximum stay at this site except by FREE camping permit for up to 2-weeks which can be obtained from Forest Ranger John Scanlon at 315-376-3225, Cell: 315-542-4773 (more info).
  • 6 hardened gravel campsites.
  • Stone fire ring.
  • Open, grassy field.
  • No outhouses.
  • Good cellphone, modest 3G data service.
  • Small trailer
  • Large trailer
  • Tent
Attractions on Site:
  • Former site of Number Four Firetower. The fire tower has been moved to the Lowville Demostration site.
Attractions Nearby:
  • Francis Lake (5 miles east on Stillwater Road)
  • Stillwater Lake (12 miles east on Stillwater Road)
  • Otter Creek Trail System – Equestrian, Off-Roading, Open Lands, Mountain Bike (20 mi south-east)
  • Lowville village (18 miles north west)
  • Lowville Demonstration Site (22 miles north west)
  • Tug Hill State Forest/The Gulf (45 miles north west)
  • Water from Otter Creek – Boil before drinking or cooking
  • No outhouses – Dig hole in woods, burn toilet paper
  • Burn combustible garbage, take cans home for recycling
  • Make sure firepits and campsite are clean before leaving
Restrictions on Use:
  • 3-nights maximum stay at this site.
  • Except by FREE camping permit for up to 2-weeks which can be obtained from Forest Ranger John Scanlon at 315-376-3225, Cell: 315-542-4773 (more info).
  • Seasonal use road, the last 1/8 mile from Number Four Road.

Watkins Glen - Montour Falls 1898