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Where to hike during mud season …

Frosty Morning

Many hikers do not look forward to hiking in mud season, especially when your up to your ankles in mud and your chewing up the trails and making mud wallows worse by pounding your feet through them. Some trails are well drained or are hard rock, but many turn to slop this time of year. Barn boots can keep your feet dry, but it’s still tough on the trails, and mud ain’t fun to walk any distance in.

Yet, there is a good but often overlooked alternative. Road hikes!

Many state forests and WMA have good roads that are drier and stable compared to the trails. Just because they are gated and or impassable by motor vehicles, doesn’t mean the won’t be a bad hike. Seasonally gated roads can be particularly delightful once the snow is gone, you’ll very rarely see anyone in mud season once you walk past the gate.

Also any country road can be a very pleasant walk with good views but watch for dogs off leash passing homesteads, especially on roads that don’t see a lot of pedestrians in this area. Don’t think your necessarily limited just to strolls in state forest roads during the mud season, sometimes the country lane just beyond the state land can offer stunning views, especially across open farm fields and homesteads.

Meteorological winter comes to an end today.

Meteorological winter comes to an end today. This has been a colder winter then recent ones — we only had one 60 degree day, hitting 62 degrees on December 21st. Previous winters in recent memory had some 70 degrees days.

Back on the Ledge


The snow storm is upon us, it is picking up this evening. I got to the store and got whole-wheat flour to make bread and milk, because I was running low on both of them plus onions and frozen fruit. Stay safe! I'll be heading home a bit from the library, and I'll bake bread and hit the hay!