R Programming Language

R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Core Team and the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. It is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis.

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You’ll like arcpullr

If you ever need to do GIS work with R using an remote ArcGIS server … you’ll like arcpullr

With arcpullr you can for example get a shapefile of Schenectady EDs with all of four lines of code, only one if you don’t count loading the libraries. It also can do seamless spatial queries using get_layer_by_polygon(), so you can pull only part of layer your interested in, which is good for large layers like tax maps.


get_spatial_layer('https://spatialags.vhb.com/arcgis/rest/services/29816_SIMS/SIMS/MapServer/54') %>% write_sf('/tmp/schenectady_eds.shp')



The MapColoring package provides functions for assigning colors to polygon maps such that no two adjacent features have the same color, while using a minimal number of colors. If provided more than the minimal required number of colors for a given map, it selects colors in a manner that maximizes color contrasts between adjacent polygons. The package also implements the DSATUR graph coloring algorithm in R.

Spend a good portion of yesterday exploring code for finding peaks in a digital elevation model

Spend a good portion of yesterday exploring code for finding peaks in a digital elevation model. I tried a few different methods, one searching for highest points within the x and y axis, looking for inclines and declines, and picking the points in the middle, but that found significantly more points then desired as it seems there is a lot of small up and downs in the elevation, even if they aren’t the actual summit.

What I ended up settling on was this code, that first finds the highest point in the DEM, then deletes all points within 100 meters in all directions from a copy of the DEM then recurvisely calls the function. This works fairly well, although it is memory intensive after about 10 calls, as you are making a lot of copies of DEM in memory. But it seems to work well, assuming you set a reasonable size for the buffer based on the size of the mountain.


dem <- rast('/tmp/merge_5925072950_2_meter.tif')
demdf <- as.data.frame(dem, xy=T) %>%
mutate(Layer_1 = Layer_1 %>% set_units('m') %>% set_units('ft')) %>% drop_units()

dems <- aggregate(dem, fact=4)
demsdf <- as.data.frame(dems, xy=T) %>%
mutate(Layer_1 = Layer_1 %>% set_units('m') %>% set_units('ft')) %>% drop_units()

findPeaks <- function(df, size=100, n=5, peakdf=NA) {
dfp <- df
newPeak <- dfp %>% slice_max(Layer_1)

ifelse(is.na(peakdf), peakdf <- newPeak, peakdf <- rbind(peakdf, newPeak))

dfp <-
dfp %>%
filter( !(between(x, newPeak[1,1]-size, newPeak[1,1]+size) &
between(y, newPeak[1,2]-size, newPeak[1,2]+size)))

if (nrow(peakdf) >= n) {
else {
findPeaks(dfp, size, n, peakdf)

findPeaks(demdf, 300, 10) %>%
st_as_sf(coords=c('x', 'y'), crs=26918, agr = "constant") %>%
ggplot() +
geom_raster(data=demsdf, aes(x=x, y=y, fill=Layer_1)) +
geom_sf(color='white') +


Big Book of R

Big Book of R

Thanks for stopping by. If you’re like me, you can’t help but bookmark every R-related programming book you find in the hopes that one day you, or someone you know, might find it useful.

Hopefully this is the only bookmark you’ll need in future ;).

When I initially released this collection in late August 2020, it contained about 100 books that I’d been collecting over the previous two years. Since then I’ve found a few more and there have been contributions from many people. The collection now stands at about 250 books.

Most of these are free. Some are paid but usually quite affordable.

How to create a shapefile with median age of buildings by block

How to create a shapefile with median age of buildings by block. Data is from NYSGIS which has been loaded into Postgres database.


con <- DBI::dbConnect(RPostgres::Postgres(), dbname=’gis’, host=’localhost’,
                      port=5432, user=’postgres’, password=’XXXXXXXX’)

bb <- blocks(‘ny’) %>% st_transform(26918)

str_c(“select yr_blt, st_transform(shape, 26918) as geom FROM nytax_ctr_pt WHERE yr_blt>0”) -> sql
yrblt <- st_read(con, query=sql)
bb %>%
    st_intersection(yrblt) %>%
    st_drop_geometry() %>%
    group_by(GEOID20) %>%
    summarize(blockyr = median(yr_blt)) %>%
    inner_join(mb, bb) %>%

Why I’m interested in spatial interpolation in R πŸ—Ί

Why I’m interested in spatial interpolation in R πŸ—Ί

Lately I’ve been very interested in this topic. Spatial interpolation is the art and science of blending together points to make a smooth gradient between them. I can see many uses for this, from making colorful maps of elections or census data to making oredi with the data as rarely do demographics neatly follow census tract or voter tabulation lines.

And the nice thing about R scripts is they are easily repeatable and can run in the background without blocking other things like can happen with QGIS although that’s less of an issue now as it’s much more threaded these days.