Peebles Island State Park

Low Head Dams Are Dangerous

The reds of the maple highlight the danger that low head dams pose to kayakers and wildlife. This dam probably exists to provide water to canal, or maybe it's historical. I don't know, but looking from upstream, you would never realize there is a dam there except for some warning sides. That said, the Mohawk is a mix of rapids and falls around Peebles Island.

Taken on Saturday October 19, 2019 at Peebles Island State Park.

Harmony Mills

The reds and yellows of the trees framed the landscape as I looked out at Harmony Mills and Cohoes from Peebles Island.

Taken on Saturday October 19, 2019 at Peebles Island State Park.


While often crowded during the beautiful weather on Saturday, Peebles Island did offer a chance to enjoy some solitude walking in the park.

Taken on Saturday October 19, 2019 at Peebles Island State Park.