Indian Lake

Trump signs

I don’t really like TRUMP all that much, he’s kind of piss poor executive but his grassroots support is pretty amazing, as represented by all the homemade, often very talented signs and displays you see dotted along the rural highways.

While I’m sure soon after the election most will be chopped and turned into firewood – winter is coming – or sent to the landfill, I hope some of the displays are preserved in photographs or as museum pieces in hick town historical museums. I think it’s a cultural phenomenon that should be preserved and remembered for better or worse, something that shows the talent and the passion of many craftsman who are passionate about the incumbent president.

SEFCU really wants me to buy a car with their money πŸ’°πŸš˜ πŸ€” πŸ—‘

SEFCU really wants me to buy a car with their money πŸ’°πŸš—πŸ€”πŸ—‘

Apparently I’ve been tagged as interested in buying a new car. While my big jacked up truck isn’t that old at nine years and 90k miles and I plan to keep it at least one more year, I have been spending some evaluating my options and occasionally clicking through ads to see the fine print for the teasers.

While I’m not even sure I will own my own car come the end of next year – or if I’ll get new tires and have various suspension parts repaired or replaced – SEFCU has decided I’m somebody who needs to be followed around the internet and blasted with twice a week emails promoting their low finance rates, mainly because the fed rate is so low these days.

I tried to get off their list – but I am apparently not allowed to – unless I unsubscribe from all important bank and credit card account notices. I guess I could set up a spam filter but I just find it so obnoxious that the automated marketing systems are following my every move.

I also can’t imagine financing an automobile or anything that you throw away every couple of years. Cars while they are nice are basically just landfill fodder full of rust holes and dents with worn seats and falling apart controls and buttons after a decade. Borrowing and paying back money for something you end up paying to have buried in a landfill every few years just seems wrong.

I could to a certain extent see financing land or even a farm tractor and implements but those kind of things can last for decades and can make money that exceeds their debt service. Definitely there are plenty big ol John Deere 40xx series tractors still in use on dairy farms across Upstate NY, and they haven’t been manufactured in a quarter century – to say nothing of many other old rigs from the 1960 or even earlier like the Ford 40N. But most mechanical things are just garbage, to be used for a few years and thrown away and shouldn’t be financed.

Honestly, while cars are fun and I make good money these days, I enjoy saving money and looking more forward to eventually owning that off-grid farm property – and not spending so much money on landfill fodder.

String cheese πŸ§€

String cheese πŸ§€

The other day I bought some string cheese at Wally World. I hadn’t had string cheese in years, maybe because too many times as a kid it got kind of warm and the oils worked its way out of it. But I was reading that string cheese is just mozerella cheese and made from real milk and its actually a pretty delicious treat. I don’t like how it is individually wrapped in plastic but I figured I was going to have a fire so as long as I picked up the wrappers and made sure it got burnt it was fine.

First car at Watch Hill πŸ—»

First car at Watch Hill πŸ—»πŸ‚

This morning at 9:30 I was the first car at the Watch Hill Parking Area on this beautiful autumn morning. While I passed somebody walking their dog on Old Route 30, I haven’t seen another person. While I bet the Snowy Mountain parking lot is packed like much of the high peaks, I’m enjoying the solitude and beautiful views of Snowy Mountain and Lewey and Indian Lakes from this largely wilderness peak, that the state has put a lot of money into promoting and developing trails on but few people ever visit.

Great Moose FestivalΒ 

I had absolutely no idea that today was the fourth weekend of September and it was the Great Moose Festival in Indian Lake. But then again, next Sunday  is October 1st.