Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

After getting COVID at the end of 2024 and sleeping through much of the holiday season, πŸ›Œ it's good to be up and back at my game again. It's cold and dark this time of year, πŸ₯Ά but I figure focus on learning and working, while counting down the days until Punxsy sees or does not see his shadow. 🐻


A small hick town in Southern Onondoga County with it's rich soils and smells of silage and cow shit.

What does Fair Weather Mean?

Fair weather is a weather condition that is pleasant, with few extremes in temperature, wind, and precipitation. It can also be described as moderate weather that’s suitable for outdoor activities.

  • Cloud cover: Less than 3/8 of the sky is covered by opaque clouds
  • Precipitation: No precipitation is occurring
  • Visibility: Unlimited visibility
  • Temperature: No extreme temperatures, usually meaning it’s not abnormally cold or warm for the season
  • Wind: No extreme winds, usually meaning winds are about 10 knots or less

Thank you to Google AI for helping me write this post. And moo!