
Airport Road

Driving along Airport Road in Westerlo last week.

Twenty Seventeen

Twenty Seventeen

Congratulations if you can read the above text. You’ve made it into the new year. Last time the year was a prime number was six years ago in 2011, the next time won’t be another decade until 2027.

Seventeen years have gone by since 2000, and the whole Y2K scare. I remember it like yesterday, I was a junior in high school back then. Really doesn’t seem that long ago.

We’ve entered the future, a new era in our country’s history. None of really know what will happen this year, at best it’s an educated guess. We have a new president and large Republican majorities in congress, who will certainly want to take us in a new direction. What it really means in our lives, is to be seen.

Today I will probably go out hiking then camping later on in the Adirondacks. Been a long time since I’ve been up here, and I like to get out to the mountains from time to time. It would be fun to kick off the new year hiking then spending the night in the woods.

I look forward to the new year and the challenges it will bring.