
Forensic scientists caught a deer munching on a human carcass for the first time ever

Forensic scientists caught a deer munching on a human carcass for the first time ever

"On January 5, 2015, the camera caught a glimpse of a young white-tailed deer standing near the skeleton with a human rib bone in its mouth. Then it happened again on January 13β€”the camera caught a deer with another rib sticking out of its mouth like a cigar. It’s not clear whether it was the same deer in both cases, but it's certainly possible first one came back for seconds. This is the first known evidence of a deer scavenging human bones, and the authors published their findings in the Journal of Forensic Sciences."

Locked Up

"This buck was found by Luke Laha, who is a wildlife management teacher in Kansas. The buck found was carrying around the head of one of it’s rival bucks. Apparently the two bucks had become entangled and the coyotes decided to make a meal out of the loser, leaving it’s head attached to the living buck’s rack. It took a while before Luke Laha and his class were finally able to trap the buck and free him of his β€œtrophy”."

How Corn Can Be a Killer

Don’t Feed the Deer: How Corn Can Be a Killer

The old saw β€œkilling them with kindness” was at play this week in the northeast. According to this press release issued by New Hampshire Department of Fish & Game, citizens in the town of South Hampton found six dead whitetails in a wooded, suburban lot on March 20. State biologists and a warden responded to the call and, after a brief search, discovered an additional half dozen dead deer. After examining the animals at a nearby veterinary lab, authorities confirmed that at least two of the whitetails were victims of enterotoxemia, a condition directly linked to feeding deerβ€”primarily cornβ€”in winter.