This interactive Google Map shows the number of antlered and antlerless deer harvested per square mile that were harvested in each WMU in 2017.
Data Source: NYSDEC 2017 Deer Harvest Estimates.
This interactive Google Map shows the number of bucks per square mile that were harvested in each WMU in 2017.
For 2016, you should visit here:
Data Source: NYSDEC 2017 Deer Harvest Estimates.
New York State is receiving $28.7 million in federal funding mostly from hunters and fisherman for conservation projects. That puts our state at number 15 for federal conservation funding. The following states will be receiving more federal conservation funding then N.Y. State in 2018:
Missouri, Colorado, Arizona, Montana, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, California, Alaska, and Texas.
"Tree stands may now pose a greater danger to hunters than guns, although hunters have reduced the number of shooting incidents each year for the last five. The state Department of Environmental Conservation released its annual evaluation of hunter injuries, deaths and incidents for last year, and in keeping with a trend, the number of people injured while hunting is considerably lower than historical levels, although there were more incidents in 2017 than in 2016. And while shooting-related incidents are showing a downward trend, the number of people getting hurt or killed due to tree stand incidents may be on the rise."