Jesus 2020
** Jesus 2020 **
Love they neighbor, the roadside sign said in this era of hyper-partisanship. Maybe in the era of bigotry that exists as the prime alternative to technocracy that’s what we really need. Not politics but love and respect for our fellow man and nature alike.
Sweetener – Sugar Alcohols – Center for Research on Ingredient Safety
Percentage of State’s Population that is Jewish
What’s the best way to grow marijuana? – Kannabia
How the phrase came to be used for 200 years of American elections.
Marijuana, America’s most dangerous illegal drug | MPR News
Methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin may be America's most addictive and destructive drugs, but marijuana is the most dangerous illegal drug in our nation. The reasons for this conclusion are many. First is that marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in America. Almost 2 million persons began using marijuana last year in the United States, and marijuana use starts at a younger age than most other illicit drugs.
As spoken by Robert Du Pont. Because giggles and sparkles on the waterfalls and trees, and really good rock and roll music is such a threat to America.