
The Cheapest Gun You Can Buy!!! and why it’s not horrible…

This is an interesting firearm, while probably not legal in New York even with a pistol permit, it so simple and stripped down and reminds us the basics of how firearms actually work. It actually reminds me a lot of the single shot pellet gun I own, except this is a very much a firearm that shoots 9mm bullets like an ordinary handgun but only mechanically simpler.

The Right to Protest is Precious, Even During a Pandemic – Defending Rights & Dissent

The Right to Protest is Precious, Even During a Pandemic – Defending Rights & Dissent

On April 14, 2020, the police department in Raleigh, North Carolina, tweeted, “Protesting is a non-essential activity,” as an explanation for breaking up a protest. As organizations dedicated to protecting civil liberties and the First Amendment, the undersigned groups are deeply disturbed by this statement and other remarks and actions by public officials suggesting that peaceful protest can be outlawed during a national crisis. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic cannot be used to justify the suspension of First Amendment rights. People must be free to express disagreement with government decisions, even when it involves criticism of essential public health measures.

Upholding First Amendment rights need not be at odds with the government’s authority and obligation to protect public health and safety. The emergency decrees that call for social distancing, wearing of face covers or masks, and limits on the size of public assemblies can regulate the manner in which protests occur. However, regulations should be narrowly tailored to what is necessary to protect public health and cannot be so broad that they ban protest completely or so poorly drafted that they restrict peaceful demonstrations.

‘Fever detection’ cameras to fight coronavirus? Experts say they don’t work

‘Fever detection’ cameras to fight coronavirus? Experts say they don’t work

Vo isn't the only business owner interested in experimenting with thermal imaging cameras to surveil people's body temperatures as a tactic to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.

NBC News found more than 10 security companies in the U.S., Europe and China that are marketing technologies as capable of picking out who in a crowd is likely to have a fever, and thus a possible coronavirus case. These companies are actively pitching to police departments, government agencies, schools, hospitals and private businesses.

John Honovich, the founder of IPVM, a trade publication that investigates and reviews security cameras, said thermal cameras are "bar-none clearly the hottest selling item in video surveillance right now, and companies are scrambling to get products all over the place."

Police are Making the Coronavirus Crisis Worse | New York Civil Liberties Union

Police are Making the Coronavirus Crisis Worse | New York Civil Liberties Union

It might be tempting for some to search for a law enforcement solution to the pandemic, especially because the disease puts all of our safety at risk, and makes us frightened of each other. In an ideal world, we’d have a team of health experts responsible for making sure people are keeping themselves and others safe. While recognizing that’s not the reality, we should always remember that police officers are not health care workers and they should not be on the front lines of solving this crisis. In some instances, they can make things worse.