Rooftop solar is good for the environment but has a fraud issue : NPR
Buildings Heated with Geothermal in the Capital Region
New York Electric Grid
This map shows the major power lines that move electricity through New York State and New England.
Dogs at Midnight – Underground Coal Miners with Black Lung Disease
A few years ago there was a news report about black lung disease being on an uptick, the highest levels since the early 1970s. It is down somewhat from last year's survey (a five year rolling average), but still close to what it was 50 years ago. You can explore the data here:
Niagara Mohawk Power | Mesothelioma and Asbestos Jobsites
DG Bethlehem Solar West – A One Megawatt Industrial Solar Facility
This gives you an idea of what a one-megawatt industrial solar facility looks like, this one down by the Selkrirk Railyard. That said, the 1,000 MW number is a bit misleading, as the 18.7% monthly capacity factor as the panels don't generate any electricity during the night and much less during the winter.