Country Life
Marks Dairy – 1995 vs 2018
Marks Dairy, located on the fertile plains of Black River is one of the biggest dairies in the state and became quite infamous for a while in early 2000s after a farming accident breached a manure storage pond leading to a massive fish kill in Black River for miles around Lowville. These false color infrared photos show the dairy in brilliant reds, due to the healthy legation from all the rich-manure and fertilization of the grounds, and excellent soils. I am not sure why the 1995 has those bright greens, they may have used a different type of false color imaging with the NAIP photos from the mid-1990s.
LEFT - Marks Dairy, circa 1995
RIGHT - Marks Dairy, circa 2018
Milk Quality On Small Family Dairy Farm!
It seems that Rob Astorino drives a Chevy 1500 while Andy Giulani drives a Dodge Ram 2500 Cummins turbo-diesel
It seems that Rob Astorino drives a Chevy 1500 while Andy Giulani drives a Dodge Ram 2500 Cummins turbo-diesel. It looks like Mr. Giulani’s pickup has a lift-kit and Fuel Off-Road wheels with 35s, but I could not determine the lift-kit from those pictures.
Mr. Giulani probably has commercial plates while Rob Astorino has passenger plates due to weight of the vehicle, although he could also have commercial plates. The big advantage to passenger plates is they can be driven on the parkway. Plus, gasoline is a lot cheaper currently in New York State then diesel.
Door Dilemma
In 12 of the 13 experimental tests, the doors did not “meet the acceptance criteria” to pass the rigorous fire test, regardless of gap size; only a double set of steel doors with a three-quarters-of-an-inch gap were able to meet the criteria to pass both tests required in NFPA 252, Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Door Assemblies. The tests generally showed that larger gaps increase airflow, which seemed to make it more difficult for doors to meet the acceptance criteria to pass, the report’s authors noted.