Country Life
What Is Fire?
As real of a $hitt show as it gets
Here is some impressive video of a manure drag line operation, built across fields and under roads.
What is ProcellaCOR herbicide and how does it target milfoil?
ProcellaCOR is a systemic herbicide that mimics a plant’s growth hormone. It kills the entire plant, leaving decomposing biomass at the bottom of the lake. The active ingredient is Florpyrauxifenβbenzyl, and it can be used at much lower dosages than previous herbicides used to treat Eurasian watermilfoil, including ones previously used or considered on Adirondack lakes.
The herbicide is registered for use in rice-growing operations and for weed control in freshwater. In the Adirondacks, herbicide proponents hope ProcellaCOR can help fight back Eurasian watermilfoil, one of the park’s most pervasive invasive weeds. Documents filed with the APA from region’s seeking permission to use ProcellaCOR project it will control invasive milfoil for three seasons.
Neighborhood Deprivation Index
A series of maps showing how relatively deprived each New York State neighborhood based on Census tract.
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