Bethlehem Public Library

Bethlehem Public Library values its responsibility to enhance the general welfare and quality of life in the community and region it serves. The library pursues excellence in its mission: to provide equal and uncensored access to resources and services that encourage lifelong learning, cultural enrichment, and professional growth.

I think it’s disgusting 🀒 that the president used the White House grounds for a partisan political rally.

I think it’s disgusting 🀒 that the president used the White House grounds for a partisan political rally.

While government buildings are often used for rallies and protests – I can’t think of a time when an incumbent who is up for election has used the government building they work in as a back drop. You just don’t do such things – it confuses official duties with partisan politics.

Blank Post #265

I am glad it’s cloudy today. It makes it so much more comfortable, sitting in my truck, writing my report at the library wi-fi. Not getting a lot of solar power, but my battery bank is close to full, and my laptop is charged.

Clouds Hang Low Overhead