Don’t feed the anxiety monster πŸ‘Ή

Don’t feed the anxiety monster πŸ‘Ή

How to become more anxious about something 101:

  • Think about it.
  • Think about how truly bad it will be should it play out.
  • Then try to avoid thinking about it as it’s making you anxious.

Things could go terribly wrong, but chances are they won’t. Sometimes they do but those are the exceptions not the rule.

Reasoning with anxiety works in your more rational moments but during an anxiety attack, it’s a terrible idea as your not being rational in the moment. Set the problem aside and move on to other things for now.

Dewelling on the problem in your mind is only going to make it worse, even if you are trying to suppress the thought. Take deep breath, accept it for what it is, and just move on. When you are anxious you aren’t paying attention to other important things and your more likely to overlook other critical things – that could cause actual harm or problems.

They say, your problems are all in your head. And many of them are. It’s that simple and you focus on other things you can make your life better.

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