Do politicians really matter as much as the news makes them appear to matter πŸ—žοΈ

There is so much news about the changes that the Trump administration is planning to implement on his second term. But I struggle to understand how much it will impact ordinary life. If you aren’t watching the news like a hawk, would you ever know who is in the White House currently?

Since I moved to suburban office from the downtown of the Capital City of New York State, I am so much more isolated from all the day-to-day workings of politics despite regularly having meetings downtown and walking laps in the Plaza before and after work. But I don’t follow the news nearly as closely, as I don’t need to. And it actually feels a lot better.

Truth is much in our lives is not defined by the politicians but our every day choices. Days don’t matter much. Weeks somewhat more, as do years. But decades matter much more. Trump is going to be there four more years, and while he can move the needle on the trajectory of society, his impact on history and our every day lives is marginal at best.

The news media gets rich selling advertising. They get viewers by trying to tell a compelling story, viewers who in turn watch the messages of advertisers. But you need not be imprisoned by the news media and all the drama. Turn it off and focus more on what you find beautiful, interesting and useful in your own life.

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