Conservative working-class life can be kind of fun. 🔫 🔥 🛻 🐮 🤠👨🏻🌾
I am not a conservative. If anything I’m libertarian leaning, but I also see the benefit of a state that helps people, especially through the kind of public services that are largely indivisible and free for all to use without discrimination such as public parks, plazas, mass transit and libraries. But that doesn’t mean I don’t think the conservative style of living is fun and has a lot of benefits.
I often think liberals are too intellectual, too concerned about others to have a little fun and relax. At the same time, many on the left lack the inhibition to be respectful of those with traditional values. Now I’m no bible humper or anti-environmentalist, but I think it’s fun to live a life of owning guns, having bonfires, riding quads and snowmobiles, hunting, fishing and farming. A life where you don’t spend your whole life fretting about other people’s problems, where your not worried about saving the planet or country, your just looking to have a little fun.
Conservatives are often seen as dour, but I think many on the left have adopted dour politics as a central tenant of their identity. And while it’s certainly important to control pollution and address racism, especially in our urban areas that are densely packed and impacts of pollution and racist policing tactics can be acute, people should be left alone and not looked down because they live a life different then the imaginary liberal ideal. It’s good to care, but you shouldn’t be so dour in your mannerisms and outlook on life.