MUTCD – Interim Approval for Use of Clearview Font for Positive Contrast Legends on Guide Signs (IA-5)β€”REINSTATEMENT – FHWA MUTCD

MUTCD – Interim Approval for Use of Clearview Font for Positive Contrast Legends on Guide Signs (IA-5)β€”REINSTATEMENT – FHWA MUTCD

The Trump Administration has reversed the Obama's administration to phase out use of Clearview font in favor of the traditional FHWA font. Now DOTs can choose between Clearview and the royalty free FHWA font. I expect with the modern sub versions of FHWA font including lower case characters most will stick with FHWA.

He’s making pollution worse | Grist

We’re ignoring the biggest Pruitt scandal: He’s making pollution worse | Grist

We get all worked up about murder but not cardiac arrest and cancer caused primarily by a handful of the dirtiest of dirtiest power plants.

They estimate that 25 people die per year from cancer and cardiac arrest in Albany County alone from the emissions caused by energy generating facilities, mostly coal fired power plants lacking pollution control. If there was somebody out there shooting 25 random suburbanites on the street, there would be a swat team and hundreds of police officers investigating. But power plants pollution? Not newsworthy, even though hospitals are filled with victims harmed by electricity generation.

Oldies – Wikipedia

Oldies – Wikipedia

"Oldies is a radio format that concentrates on rock and roll and pop music from the latter half of the 20th century, specifically from around the mid-1950s to the 1970s or 1980s."