Bennett Hill in November 2009
I went for a walk at Bennett Hill on a warm afternoon in Novmeber. Here, walking along the pastures that run along the border of Bennett Hill.
Walking along the trail.
Here is the new “Bathtub Spring” we installed as part of a local scout’s Eagle Project. This allows people to refill their water bottles or give their thirsty dog some water. I drank some, it didn’t really kill me yet. Tastes a little bit muddy/gritty.
Meadow Brook Farm from the top of the hill, looking through the trees.
On the top of the hill there is a new clearing you can look out of above Clarksville.
Looking up towards the Adirondacks / Lake George area in the background, with the NYSDOT headquarters and Colonie Center closer in the foreground.
Descending the Red Trail on the Eastern side of the hill, looking out towards of Albany.
And as I headed back to the truck, the sun was setting over Cass Hill.
Here is a map.
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