
Preston Hollow

Preston-Potter Hollow is small hamlet south-western Albany County in the Town of Rensselaerville with a population of 366. Probably most famous for the trout fishing on the Catskill Creek, it's a pretty outlaying area in a deep hollow nested between the mountains, with lots of good ol' country boys living in the hills and hollows surrounding it.

Beaver Kill in Albany

Today if you went Downtown you would be hard pressed to find much of the Beaver Kill or Beaver Creek. Most of it is buried in the Big C Pipe, although they are proposing to daylight part of it in Lincoln Park during the coming years. Probably the best place to see it would be in what is now Washington Park Lake.

Data Source: 1866 Beers Map of Albany from the New York Public Library, georefrenced, traced and overlaid on a contemporary aerial photo and LIDAR hillshade.

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Bellows Falls, Vermont

Through every season, Bellows Falls and Rockingham are beautiful. Visitors can find new favorite restaurants and shops, take advantage of our picturesque views of the Connecticut River and Fall Mountain and enjoy our easy walks through the Village and hiking and biking trails that are being built on our surrounding mountains.  History meets the present in our shops in the downtown square, the old mill buildings, the river's beauty and power, and in the Great Falls and the Victorian homes that add charm to our walkable downtown. The first bridge to be built anywhere on the 410-mile long Connecticut River was across the narrow Bellows Falls gorge. Today the downtown district still has some of the look of the 19th century and the feel of the mid 20th. But beneath that look, it is a town that embraces everything new. Arts and culture abound, with a restored Opera House showing first run and classic movies and live entertainment. Nationally known musicians appear regularly in town, and the Vermont Symphony Orchestra performs here several times a year.

Don’t really like restaurant food

When traveling for work I can usually get reimbursed for one meal a day along with lodging. But I usually don’t get food because I’m not a real big fan of restaurant food.🍝 I don’t really find it pleasant to eat out, especially when I am traveling alone and I don’t like all the waste and packaging for take out. I also think fast food is just plain gross, 🍟it’s all grease and not very filling. It’s not something I’m used to eating at any rate.

But even at home I almost never eat out. Maybe because I’m single but it also just seems kind of weird trusting strangers to cook your food.🍳 I also am trying to save money wherever possible for my future off grid cabin.πŸ’° Five or ten bucks doesn’t sound like much, but I’m trying to save money wherever possible. While I do often buy lightly packaged per-cooked food at home, and I’m no chef, I would rather do the cooking myself then rely on others.πŸ‘¨β€πŸ³