August 13, 2015 evening

Good evening, 63 degrees and partly clear this evening. Probably not the best weather conditions for the Perseid Meteor Showers but maybe it will clear late. I’m off to bed and will certainly miss them but I might get lucky and see some meteorites in the Adirondacks this weekend.

Got the kayak on the roof of my pickup and clothes and water packed for the weekend. The grill and charcoal are packed. Gased up and picked up supplies at Walmart. I should be able to leave right from work for the Adirondacks.

Since January I’ve been looking at these LED decorative light tubes to mount on the shelf of my truck below the gun rack. Finally broke down and bought them, got them wired up tonight. They aren’t super bright but they do provide a little light in the truck cap and use a fraction of a watt electricity. Almost too dim to light up the gun rack very well while camping but they do provide some visibility in the cap. They can be set to either red, green or blue. Green is the brightest color but I think the gun rack would look best bathed in red, especially if I’m up in the woods camping while hunting.

Got a new clock for the bathroom. The old digital clock had digits that had been fading for years and I was unable to set the time on it. It worked okay insofar as I would add thirty odd minutes to get the time but that was increasingly getting off. I got a basic $4 wall three hand clock from Walmart. It’s the kind of thing I expect will work perfectly for years. It’s kind of important to have the time in the bathroom as I shower after breakfast and before I dress, and I have to leave by a specific time to catch the bus.

Should be a nice weekend assuming the thunderstorms hold off. I might end up buying firewood on Friday because the days are getting shorter and it sure is easy to not have to gather firewood. Just because you can find wood in the woods doesn’t mean you should and it helps preserve the resource for others if you buy local wood.

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