New York State First Congress, 1778-1779
Breezewood Topographic Maps – 1965-67
By the 1960s with the completion of the Rays Hill Tunnel Bypass on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, much of Breezewood would remain similar to what it is today, some fifty plus years later.
base64 decoding with Python
FYI. If you have Python installed and you need to decode base64 from an email you got forwarded to you, this may be more able to decode it the base64 that’s part of coreutils.
cat attachment.eml | python -m base64 -d > attachment.xlsx
Downtown West Burlington
A quiet Sunday morning in middle to late November driving down through West Burlington, Penna along US Route 6. Just a small country town, with the smells of manure and wood smoke on the air.
Taken on Sunday November 20, 2016 at US 6 in Pennsylvania.Path
Western Slope
The western slopes are dry, open heath barrens. This year with the West Virigina drought, they were particularly brown in the autumn. In contrast, some of the other slopes were quite colorful, especially the eastern slopes where there are more hardwoods.
Taken on Friday October 11, 2019 at Notes.