The nastiest people in the world give advice.

Most advice is pretty awful, as usually it’s used to sell a product or service in the commercial sphere and on the personal level it’s a nasty slight dished out by the insecure to make them feel morally superior to you.

Anybody who gives you advice is not a friend.

Sunset On June 23

Across most of New York State, tonight (June 23rd) is the latest sunset of the year. This is because while on June 22nd the sunrise has started to occur later (making the days about 15 seconds shorter), the evenings have kept picking up a handful of seconds. Today, that changes. Sunset tonight will be at 8:37 PM in Albany, and will start occurring about 4 seconds earlier on Saturday night, as we start the slow but continuous progress towards winter, and the shortest days of the year.

The latest sunset in New York tonight will be in the Town of Porter, Niagara County on Lake Ontario. There the sun will set at 8:59 PM. The earliest sunset will be at 8:24 PM in the Town of East Hampton, Suffolk County, which is commonly known the "Hamptons".

Happy Summer!