8 factorial minutes

The month of February has 8! minutes in non leap years.

28 days = 7 x 4
24 hours = 8 x 3
60 minutes = 6 x 5 x 2

28 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes

8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 8 factorial

Great November 1950 Adirondack Blowdown

The Adirondacks are prone to powerful windstorms, isolated tornadoes, and occasional hurricanes, derechos, and microbursts. Perhaps the second most destructive of these in modern Adirondack history (next to the 1998 Ice Storm) occurred in November, 1950.

The Big Blowdown brought heavy rains and winds in excess of 100 mph. In a single day – November 25th – more than 800,000 acres of timber was heavily damaged. The storm caused a complete shutdown of the roads and trails across large swaths of the park, a historic suspension of the State Constitution, a temporary glut in the spruce market, and a political impact that continues to this day.

- From the New York Almanac

Data Source: Adirondack Park Agency.

Rensselaerville at Dusk

A winter's evening, driving through the hamlet of Rensslearville after cross country skiing at Patridge Run and coming back through Huntersland.

February 7, 2023 Morning

Good morning! Happy Tuesday. Clear and 13 degrees in Delmar, NY. πŸŒ… Calm wind. There is a inch of snow on the ground. β˜ƒ ️Just waiting for the sun to rise on my morning walk 🚢. It is a cold and crisp morning, the air tastes like barnyard. πŸ” I’m not complaining. Things will start to thaw out at around 11 am. 🌑️

As the sun rises pretty early compared to recent weeks β˜€ and it’s clear out, decided to do my morning walk 🚢 earlier then normal. Helped that today was a breakfast reheat morning. I’m glad I decided to cut my meals 🍴 in half and supplement with more fruits and vegetables. 🍊 I feel less stuffed and healthier though like anything else change takes time to compound.

Today will have increasing clouds πŸŒžπŸ‘‰ πŸŒ₯ , with a high of 39 degrees at 3pm. Five degrees above normal, which is similar to a typical day around February 25th. Breezy, with a light and variable wind becoming south 15 to 20 mph in the morning. Kind of like yesterday. Maybe windier. Not been a very sunny winter. A year ago, we had light snow in the morning, which became light snow by afternoon. The high last year was 26 degrees. The record high of 48 was set in 2005. 12.4 inches of snow fell back in 1983.❄

It’s a Tuesday. β˜” Bringing my umbrella to work to be safe but I don’t expect rain by evening, especially when I bring my umbrella. Also packed bananas 🍌 and will swap with some of the oranges I have in the office to mix things up. I thought it would be good to have only oranges at work and bananas at home but I want to mix it up.

Solar noon 🌞 is at 12:10 pm with sun having an altitude of 32Β° from the due south horizon (-38.8Β° vs. 6/21). A six foot person will cast a 9.6 foot shadow today compared to 2.2 feet on the first day of summer. The golden hour πŸ… starts at 4:36 pm with the sun in the west-southwest (243Β°). πŸ“Έ The sunset is in the west-southwest (250Β°) with the sun dropping below the horizon at 5:17 pm after setting for 3 minutes and 5 seconds with dusk around 5:45 pm, which is one minute and 18 seconds later than yesterday. πŸŒ‡ The best time to look at the stars is after 6:20 pm. At sunset, look for mostly cloudy skies ☁ an temperatures around 36 degrees. Breezy, 18 mph breeze β›… from the south. Tomorrow will have 10 hours and 19 minutes of daytime, an increase of 2 minutes and 33 seconds over today.

Started looking at my options for doctors.πŸ§‘β€βš•οΈ While I think I am generally healthy I’m forty now and I’m thinking a physical during the February break would be a good thing. It doesn’t look like I am due for any screenings beyond the normal blood pressure and hopefully that will be good with my walk and calorie reduction program. Saving and investing is good but health is important as that can be drain on finances.

Tonight will rain likely, mainly between 7pm and 9pm. Mostly cloudy 🌧, with a low of 34 degrees at 8pm. 18 degrees above normal, which is similar to a typical night around April 7th. South wind 6 to 15 mph. Chance of precipitation is 70%. New precipitation amounts of less than a tenth of an inch possible. In 2022, we had mostly clear skies in the evening, which became mostly clear by the early hours of the morning. It got down to 9 degrees. The record low of -16 occurred back in 1950.

I got my car insurance bill βœ‰ and it’s up to $475 for six months, up more than 10% from last year. Inflation I guess but the heck of it is that I drive so little and my truck is getting old, though I’m not ready to drop collision πŸ’₯ yet on it. I wish I could take the insurance reduction class. Maybe I should look around at their competitors though I am generally happy with my plan. It does sort of make the case for getting rid of my vehicle and getting a bicycle 🚲. That would be healthier. It’s fine, I have the money, πŸ’΅ and I like to travel but it’s obnoxious as I thought turning 40 would lead to a modest cut in rates.

Right now, a split verdict on the weekend. πŸ˜• Saturday, mostly cloudy, with a high near 36. Sunday, sunny, with a high near 39. Typical average high for the weekend is 35 degrees. Probably Five Rivers walk Saturday, Bennett Hill Sunday. Just the usual. Hopefully this week I won’t need to go to the store 🏬.

Looking ahead, next Tuesday is Valentines Day ❀️ when the sun will be setting at 5:27 pm with dusk at 5:54 pm. On that day in 2022, we had mostly cloudy, snow showers and temperatures between 28 and 15 degrees. Typically, the high temperature is 36 degrees. We hit a record high of 63 back in 1946.

Photo.2013.02.10 18.44.34