How I picked out the year for peak employment in New York State by County.
Just a few quick lines of Python code:
import pandas as pd
# by using RemoteZip (pip install remotezip) this speeds
# up downloads by only downloading the files in the zip file
# that we actually need from DOL
from remotezip import RemoteZip
# download & load only cities and counties
with RemoteZip(dolzip) as zip:
# get rid of double quotes in column names
df.columns = df.columns.str.replace('\"','')
# get rid of spaces in column names
df.columns=df.columns.str.replace(' ','')
# select year and county totals, create a pandas pivot table, then
# run idmax to the highest employment number for each county
df[((df['MONTH'] == 0) & (df['AREA'].str.contains('County')))].pivot(index='YEAR',columns='AREA',values='EMP').idxmax()