Discourses of Delay, p1

Climate 201: Discourses of Delay, p1


Web player: https://podcastaddict.com/episode/123840822
Episode: http://pdcn.co/e/traffic.libsyn.com/physicalattraction/Climate_201_Discourses_of_Delay_part_1.mp3?dest-id=535856

As the climate change debate has advanced, the arguments surrounding it have become more subtle. Outright denial of the climate problem is rare – so rhetoric has shifted to delaying urgent action. In this review of a paper by Steinberger, Lamb et al, I run down the new “discourses of climate delay”

Watching a lot of rural YouTube videos

With the exercise bike and my downloading of YouTube videos, I find myself really watching a lot on the tube. Maybe it’s just the channels that I watch and the various censored bit left on the cutting room floor but it seems like so many people have so many toys that at least for now are out of reach as I save for a better tomorrow. From farm tractors to hydraulic wood splitters to ATVs and side by sides, there are so many neat toys out there, especially for landowners. Many off griders seen to have a lot of money for these toys, maybe due to their decades of savings, the simple way of living out in the country, and some borne out of necessity.

 Dragon Fly

How JFK forced steel price roll back

How JFK forced steel price roll back

The Democrat, after just a year in office, was concerned about potentially rising inflation. His administration set an informal but well-publicized target of having wage increases and price hikes match productivity increases. Meanwhile, Steelworkers’ bargaining over a contract with the nation’s steel companies was getting nowhere.

The administration intervened. It didn’t want a rerun of the 4-month steel strike of 1959 under GOP President Eisenhower. Labor Secretary Arthur Goldberg, a longtime union counsel, mediated the talks. The two sides reached agreement on March 31.

The pact, with ten of the nation’s 11 steel companies, called for an increase in fringe benefits worth 10 cents an hour in 1962, but no wage hikes that year. Then-AFL-CIO President George Meany said that in the pact, the union “settled on a wage increase figure somewhat less than the Steelworkers thought they would get.”

Kennedy praised the contract as “obviously non-inflationary” and said both the USW and the steel firms showed “industrial statesmanship of the highest order.” The agreement also implicitly said the companies would not raise prices, as that would be inflationary.

But on April 10, Roger Blough, CEO of U.S. Steel, the largest of the firms, with 25% of the market, met Kennedy in the Oval Office and told him the company was immediately raising prices by $6 a ton – and that other steel companies would follow. Six did. The 3.5% hike enraged the president. What he said in public was biting – but he was even more caustic in private.

In an April 11, 1962 press conference, Kennedy called the price hikes “a wholly unjustifiable and irresponsible defiance of the public interest.” He criticized “a tiny handful of steel executives whose pursuit of power and profit exceeds their sense of public responsibility.” The execs had “utter contempt” for the U.S., Kennedy said.

In private, Kennedy added: “My father always told me that all businessmen were sons of bitches, but I never believed it until now.” The line quickly became public.