Here’s How to Teach Yourself

Learning to Code is Easy: Here’s How to Teach Yourself

Few skills scare people away like coding. Television portrayals make it seem like writing computer code is a genius-level activity, as weird symbols race across the screen and techno music blares in the background.

But the truth is that coding is actually pretty easy.

I’m not saying this to dismiss the work of brilliant programmers. A skill can simultaneously be fairly easy to get the basics in, while also being really difficult to master. Everyone learns to write, few people learn to write well. There’s no contradiction, therefore, in saying that basic literacy is an “easy” skill to acquire (in that the vast majority of us are able to do it), without dismissing the efforts of talented writers.


In the former hamlet of Tiadaghton that is now mostly gone.

Taken on Wednesday November 10, 2010 at Tioga State Forest.

Presidential Debate Last Night

Somebody was asking earlier today if I had seen the presidential debate last night. The answer is no, I don’t have a television nor do I have the Internet. I thought I catch the highlights of the debate on the morning news, but surprisingly NPR barely mentioned the debate. I guess there wasn’t much newsworthy about the debate.

While I will vote in the Democratic Primary come April, I am not really excited about any of the candidates or races. Politics really doesn’t interest me much anymore, as honestly I think one is better to focus on their own life, rather then distant elected officials in Washington DC. I can’t stop climate change or end the national debt but I can save for retirement and a better tomorrow for myself – and eat healthier foods, spend a lot of time in the wilderness and walk a lot.

Electing one’s ideal candidate is likely to have a much less important then making responsibile choices in one’s own life, and ultimately choosing to live in a community that suits one values. Chances are you can’t change the world but you can change your own life.

Tower Road