The Foolish Notion of Letting Wildlife Manage Itself

The Foolish Notion of Letting Wildlife Manage Itself

"If we want a balance of predators and prey in nature, humans must be involved in managing wildlife populations. There’s simply no other way. The alternative will result in widespread disease, animal decimation and the possible extirpation of species in certain areas. Human beings want a balanced natural system, where we are able to enjoy wildlife in numbers for viewing and hunting. Since we have the ability to somewhat control wildlife populations, we should do it for the benefit of both humans and wildlife."

"If left to its own devices, nature will always promote an imbalance in wildlife populations. Predators will outnumber prey or vice versa, and some populations will suffer, taking years to recover. We also cannot deny the role and interest of human beings in the natural system. We are part of the natural system, part of nature. To deny or reject this reality is foolishness of the highest order."