May 20, 2016 Evening

Good evening. Currently 74 degrees and partly cloudy with haze from the Canadian wildfires. Walking back to my truck, then heading up to the Adirondacks. Definitely very spring like this afternoon.

I don’t expect to have cell service up north, so updates will be limited unless maybe I head to Wells. Should be a nice weekend.

May 20, 2016 morning

Good morning. Mostly sunny although there is some haze making the sky somewhat gray. It is 58 degrees, on the way up to 75 degrees and as the weatherman says, “beautiful”.

The drive downtown wasn’t bad, alas I couldn’t blog while I was driving. Parking was easy, because many of the streets I normal park on had no parking until late last night. I was able to pull into a spot, which is nice, especially with my big jacked-up 21 foot long pickup truck. Apparently there was a benefit to the Corporation Challenge. Plus, college is done for the summer, so much fewer students taking up spaces.

After work, heading up camping in the Southern Adirondacks. I didn’t bring the kayak because honestly I was just tired last night and I’m not sure how nice the weather will be up there on Saturday.Β Sometime in June I will probably camp up at Stewart Landing and spend all of Saturday on the lake. I guess I could paddle into a site, or maybe do that for the second day, as getting set up to camp before dusk might be a bit of a challenge.

In the Southern Adirondacks, there is a chance of rain on Saturday night, but should be a generally dry weekend. Increasing clouds on Saturday, but the morning should be sunny.Β It will be nice to get away for sure,Β I’ve been stuck in town since the beginning of May.

May 19, 2016 Night

Good evening. Down to 55 degrees although quite a bit warmer inside. Partly cloudy. The spring peepers are singing their song. Watching the PBS Newshour.

I’m going camping tomorrow. I went to the store and bought some groceries. I got all the gear packed that I could tonight. Probably heading up to the Southern Adirondacks tomorrow. Not bringing the kayak with me as I don’t think the weather is going to be that great but it’s still two nights in the wilderness next to the campfire. No rain expected but kind of cloudy. But warm enough to sit by the campfire late into the evening. Probably go hiking on Saturday and or fishing.

It’s getting late.

Sunrise tomorrow at 5:26 AM, for a day that will be sunny and 76. Good night.

May 19, 2016 Evening

Good evening. 69 degrees and partly clear this evening. Not a particularly notable or nice evening on the weather front. Kind of bleh in my opinion.

Tonight I had to stay late for work and because of that I got caught in the traffic clusterfuck known as the Corporation Challenge. I am pretty sure the main challenge was for the bus drivers to navigate the narrow back roads and for bus riders to walk to relocated bus stops.

I don’t know about the weekend. In the past 24 hours the weekend forecast has slid steadily downhill. I guess I’m going to stay in town. Maybe Memorial Day Weekend will be nicer. At least as we head into summer, the days will be getting warmer.

It’s been a rough week. A very rough one.