May 22, 2016 Night

As we head into the final hour of the weekend, it’s 61 degrees. It was a good weekend but time went by too quickly. I liked going up to the Adirondacks but those days flew by. But a got a lot of rest and both days I slept in quite late.

It was nice camping off of Pumpkin Hollow Road, but it wasn’t exactly quite. The campsite I was at was pretty remote but just down the road from a hunting camp, where they were shooting a 30-06 or other large deer rifle, fireworks at night, chopping wood, running chainsaws and ATVs for most of the time I was up there. Not right next to the property line but I could definitely hear them through the woods. I prefer to be more remote, as I too like shooting guns and listening to music well into the night. I can’t call a kettle black.

Fishing wasn’t terrible on Saturday when there was a good steady flow coming through the hydro plant. I wish I could have snagged more brown trout but I wasn’t really going to keep.

I like being relatively close to Wells, especially once things are warm up and the beach is open. I also want to explore Willis Lake with my kayak, although it’s pretty small and maybe somewhat over developed.

Discovered I have a problem with the propane ‘y’ splitter I have – it’s not a temperature/pressure issue as it was malfunctioning in the mild weather yesterday. I think the internal regulator isn’t working right. As much as I like free shipping from Amazon, I sometimes wonder about the quality of no name products, regardless of reviews. Maybe the splitter is just clogged. I should try some carburetor cleaner or see what the Internet suggests. Worse case scenario, I drop another $30-50 to get a better quality splitter. But hopefully the web will help me fix it.

Also did the Save the Pine Bush Hike today. Took lots of wildflower pictures and will be posting later. While mild, the weather turned out quite nice for the hike. Too bad it was very lightly attended.

Good night. Tomorrow is Monday. Sunny and mild.

May 22, 2016 Afternoon

Good afternoon. 63 degrees and cloudy this afternoon at Lake Algonquin. Went for a minor swim in the Sacandaga River before they turned the hydro plant on this morning. Those rocks tend to be slick on the shore. I was fishing there but once the plant ramped up the turbidity of the stream really increased. So now I’m fishing on the lake.

Been camping the past two nights up towards the end of Pumpkin Hollow Road up in Wells. Been somewhat cloudy but not a washout. Sprinkles most of this morning. But some sun yesterday. Spent a lot of time reading book on fishing in an effort to improve my technique. Been a nice quiet weekend.

May 21, 2016 Afternoon

It strikes me strange toΒ  be posting that it is May 21st. But today’s modestly warm afternoon weather definitely feels more like late May then past weeks. 68 degrees and mostly cloudy in Wells, NY.

Caught and tossed back in a pretty good sized brown trout out of the Sacandaga River, down by the Wells dam. Then despite getting many bites I kept losing them.

Black fly season. I’ve soaked my cowboy hat with DEET, which seems to be controlling the black flies fine. Also wearing long sleeves and in a relatively high location, away from swamps which is helping. Once dusk is over, black flies go to bed. Honestly there not as bad as I’ve seen them some years.