
It’s 2020. What are the chances that New York Interstate 99 will connect to Pennsylvania Interstate 99 within the decade?

It could happen if they complete the Interstate 99 and Interstate 80 interchange outside State College which has been bid out. But they’d also have to sign interstate 180 to Williamsport as Interstate 99 and that’s rather out of the way.

I think the official plan is close the 12 mile gap between Jerseyshore and Williamsport but making that section limited access will be fairly expensive due to the many houses along it and the number of cross roads. Indeed, I think the capital plan calls for safety upgrades to US 220 which wouldn’t bring it up to the Interstate standards. They would have to also complete the Lockhaven interstate 80 and US 220 interchange but that’s probably a few million as it’s partially built. But there is nothing in the PennDOT capital plan for either purpose.

I really like driving Interstate 99 because except for Altona it’s very light on traffic. But it’s confusing as there aren’t many signs along it to direct motorists from New York Interstate 99 and Pennsylvania Interstate 99. And that gap between Jersey Shore and Williamsport is a lot like driving New Jersey 17 minus the traffic and much more rural.

I guess a lot depends on how much Appalachian Regional Commission funding they can shake loose.

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