Libre Office 7.2

I was reading that LibreOffice 7.2 is out and it has big speed improvements for opening very large spreadsheets. That is kind of a big deal because the slowness of Libre Calc at dealing with big spreadsheets like the voter file was always a major drag for me.

That said, since learning PANDAS going back to large spreadsheets seems kind of unnecessary, although I guess it’s nice to drag and drop certain things you want to glance through.

Newburgh (1969 Urban Renewal Proposal vs. Today)

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In the late 1960s and early 1970s, the city's response to the economic decline was an ambitious urban renewal plan. The city's historic waterfront area, an area composed of several square blocks which included numerous historically significant buildings, was completely demolished between 1970 and 1973. Residents were relocated, or were supposed to be relocated, to newer housing projects around Muchattoes Lake in the city's interior.

A grand complex that was planned for the urban renewal area was never built when state and federal spending began to dry up after the 1973 oil crisis. To this day, the blocks which slope down to the river remain open, grassy slopes, offering sweeping views of the Hudson but generating no property taxes for the city. Public sentiment is mixed on whether they should be built on again at all, and the city's view-protection ordinances make it less likely. Below, the waterfront was developed in the late 1990s after the city was once again able to secure grants from the state's Environmental Protection fund for riprap (a type of stone) to stabilize the shoreline.,_New_York

This is a good thing, less light pollution. πŸ’‘

With the growth of electric cars and renewable energy, many cities will get priced out of street lighting, forcing them to extinguish many street lights.

This is a good thing, less light pollution. πŸ’‘

Most street lighting is only affordable now because utilities have such enormous need for spinning reserve to meet the morning ramp.

But if early morning energy prices surge with electric cars and no solar at night, cities could easily get priced out of the street lighting business except the minimum absolutely necessary.