Weathering steel –

I am supposed to be a fan of COR-TEN steel. But 30 years, NY State went and replaced all of it's guardrails in scenic locations with COR-TEN steel. It of course rusted out prematurely, and now is being replaced with stainless steel. But now, they are building bridges with COR-TEN in New York. What could go wrong?

Not Very Helpful

Very helpful program error in QGIS 2.2: “Warning! Exception thrown — bad_alloc”. It continued working fine after that, as whatever couldn’t find memory space managed to work without it.

However, when you compile a piece of software with debugging flags off, your not supposed to get messages about exceptions being thrown, as normal people have no idea what the heck an exception is or what they can do about it (not much).

EPA carbon regulations will not destroy the electrical grid

Renewable energy is a lot like agriculture. There are millions of farms across the country, each producing a small portion of the commodity over vast tracts of land. Farms and warehouses store commodities like silage and corn for long-periods of time, allowing off-season access to seasonal produce to feed animals and humans alike year round. The agricultural system is quite cost-effective at producing food at affordable prices for most Americans. There is no reason we couldn't have millions of solar cells and wind turbines across America.

Electricity is very difficult to store in quantity. But so is food and feed. Both food and feed rot if left out to elements, and many foods can't even be stored for long periods of times even with the best of technologies. That's why a lot of foods are imported from other parts of the country out-of-season or other parts of the world where it's in season. But there is no reason we can't move electricity around long distances, nor is there any reason why we can have ample storage of electricity in many diversified storage facilities -- from big pump-hydro to batteries and flywheels.