So the Ground Hog Saw His Shadow

So the Ground Hog Saw His Shadow

Regardless, it means we are halfway through winter, and the coldest weather is beyond us. As long as the snow is relegated to the weekdays, when I am safely at work, I am fine with that. I just don’t want an ice storm and risk losing power.


I look forward to more road trips and camping, once it warms up a bit more and there are places I can go that are snow-free. I thought about taking my truck to the car wash, but that didn’t happen because I figured it would be cold and I have  to probably get dirty this weekend.

No shadow, and lots of snow on the way the next few days.

Python code, takes a list of addresses, runs them through NYS Address Management system, then uses GeoPandas to calculate the municipality and Assembly district from GeoPackages then writes out to a CSV file

Python, the State Geocoder and Outputting Assembly Districts

Python code, takes a list of addresses, runs them through NYS Address Management system, then uses GeoPandas to calculate the municipality and Assembly district from GeoPackages then writes out to a CSV file. Nothing fancy, but it does a job. I could use it with any other shapefile I want. GeoPandas is nice because it’s fast and doesn’t require loading QGIS.


import requests,sys,json,os,csv

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd


# read list of addresses
with open(sys.argv[-1], newline='') as csvfile:	
	for line in csv.DictReader(csvfile):
# build address query
query = '{"records": ['
for line in lines:
	query += '{ "attributes": { "OBJECTID":'+str(i)+', "SINGLELINE": "'+line['Address'].rstrip()+'"} },'+"\n"
query += ']}'

post = { 'f':'pjson', 'outSR': 4326, 'addresses': query }
url = ''

# send request to state geocoder
req =, data = post)
locations = json.loads(req.text)['locations']

# parse response
for loc in locations:
	i = loc['attributes']['ResultID']
	lines[i]['y'] = loc['location']['y']
	lines[i]['x'] = loc['location']['x']
	lines[i]['Match_addr'] = loc['attributes']['Match_addr']
	# hackish, might cause problems but keeps joins from erroring
	if (lines[i]['x'] == 'NaN'):
		lines[i]['x'] = 0
		lines[i]['y'] = 0

# convert to pandas
locPd = pd.DataFrame(lines,columns=lines[0].keys())
locPd = gpd.GeoDataFrame(locPd,  geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(locPd.x.astype('float32'), locPd.y.astype('float32')))

# add county municipality column
cosub = gpd.read_file(r'/home/andy/Documents/GIS.Data/geocode/cosub.gpkg')
locPd = gpd.sjoin(locPd, cosub, op="within")

del locPd['index_right']

# add ads column
ad = gpd.read_file(r'/home/andy/Documents/GIS.Data/geocode/ad.gpkg')
locPd = gpd.sjoin(locPd, ad, op="within")

del locPd['index_right']

# add sd column
sd = gpd.read_file(r'/home/andy/Documents/GIS.Data/geocode/sd.gpkg')
locPd = gpd.sjoin(locPd, sd, op="within")

del locPd['index_right']

# add cd column
sd = gpd.read_file(r'/home/andy/Documents/GIS.Data/geocode/cd.gpkg')
locPd = gpd.sjoin(locPd, sd, op="within")

# remove added geometery and index columns
del locPd['geometry']
del locPd['index_right']

# write pandas back to out csv
locPd.to_csv (os.path.splitext(sys.argv[-1])[0]+'-output.csv', index = False, header=True)

Groundhog Hunting 2011 Pennsylvania

I saw a ton of ground hogs when I was out in that part of Western Pennsylvania a few years back. They really are kind of a nuisance to farmers, as they dig holes in their fields.