

A common rallying cry these days from the Republicans is that the Democrat’s programs are socialism. They fear government-imposed equality that will deprive individual choice and the freedom to live one’s life as one chooses. The reality is that logic is faulty in a modern-era with big businesses staffed with lawyers that abuse the most basic principles enshrined in our laws.

Good government policy does not impose socialism or deprive choice. Instead, it protects and enhances the individual’s ability to make choices. People are allowed to make good choices based on accurate information thanks to government regulation. Government ensures that there is a basic level of quality or safety in the products they buy and use. It also protects sellers of products to ensure that they receive the compensation they are due, and labourers their pay.

Delaware Avenue After A Fresh Snow

Neither of the major political parties is advocating forced equality. What most Democrats want is to provide accurate and truthful information to consumers, and ensure that they get ensured a basic quality of life. Democrats don’t want to force people to one equal standard of living, but they do want to ensure that nobody is deprived basic healthcare or the ability to make ends should a terrible life event happen such as a job loss.

I don’t want the government telling me how to live my life any more then the next guy. Yet, I believe government can regulate businesses to ensure fairness without infringing on my personal choices. What one does to make money is fundamentally different then what one choose to do on their leasure time.