
Always Stuck in the Present

One thing that\’s always bothered me a bit is that no matter how hard one tries, we are always stuck in the present. The present is forever lasting, we can not travel back in time or into the future. We can see cause and effect, and realize there is something called time but never really experience it or control it, because there is no time but the present.

Driving home the other night, I realized how strange time really is. I was 5 minutes from home, and I was so tired. Yet, I felt I could be driving forever, as there was no escaping the present, no matter how hard I tried. I knew I would be home in 5 minutes, but that didn\’t mean I was home. I could have been driving forever.



There is that funny thing called the future and the past. We remember the past, and can often forsee future events. Certainly if I had decided to doze off or take my hands off the steering wheel, I could perdict what would like happen. If I crashed, I probably could remember back to what happened on the sleepy night, but there would be no turning back the car from crashing.

The relationship of present to the past and future is often pretty clear in our minds. Yet, it seems strange when you really think about those other times, when you know there is nothing but the present, a time that will stretch on for enternity. We will never escape the present.