conspiracy theories

Conspiracy Theories

You often hear the nuttiest theories when you listen to people talking about politics. There is a prevalent belief that your opponent is somehow corrupt, and that you know the only true philosophy.


It’s always the fault of the:

  • Corporate Interests
  • Big Money
  • Corrupt Labor Unions
  • Ethnic or Religious Minorities

Assuming that you don’t affiliate yourself psychologically with one of those groups. It just seems only human to want to believe that people besides yourself can’t be operating with all of their facilities. Yet, we all know that is not true.

Most conspiracy theories have a kernel of truth. Most of us have a financial interest in many of the things we do. Even if we don’t have a direct financial stake, we usually know somebody with a financial stake, or are at minimum are ideologically attached to an idea.

Yet, just because we don’t necessarily agree with one person or group’s position, we shouldn’t be believing that they are conspiring against us or are corrupt. They may have very legitimate reasons for believing what they believe.