Watch “Wendy Carlos demonstrates her Moog Synthesizer in 1970” on YouTube
Check out those sideburns on Wendy Carlos in 1970 ! Don't see that many women around these days with big sideburns like that anymore.
Her music is amazing, especially with the very primative technology she had to work with. They don't make classical music or Bach recordings like this anymore.
I grew up on 4.8 acres of land in Dormansville
I grew up on 4.8 acres of land in Dormansville … 🚜
That probably seems like a lot to the city or village dweller, but it’s really not compared to many other parts of country. It means having neighbors nearby and having restrictions on your freedom as your neighbors are close enough to hear you shooting your guns, smell your livestock and burn barrel. Or smelling their hogs or poop-filled diapers in their trash fire. Or the pow-pow of their AR-15 or the roar of the pickup truck without a muffler.
When I own my own land, I want have more acreage, less house and material stuff and more freedom to do what I want on my land. Less of a chance to be a nuisance to them, or have to put up with their nuisances that come along with rural life and freedom to live one’s life as you should. Land is expensive, but the farther you are out in the country, the cheaper it is. And if you give up a nice house for a shed-to-cabin or a trailer, you can afford much more land that can provide a buffer from between you and the neighbors. Live and let live.
Ice Covered Maintence Road
The snow was slushy and somewhat deep in parts, but slowly but surely it's disappearing as we work our way into spring.
Taken on Saturday March 12, 2011 at Five Rivers Environmental Education Center.While the extra daylight in the afternoon and evenings is great, my gawd is it dreary this afternoon
While the extra daylight in the afternoon and evenings is great, my gawd is it dreary this afternoon. And cold and nasty out. I kind of wish I had my sad looking, windowless basement office once again. Just so I wouldn’t know how crappy it is outside.
Oakfield Dairy
I spend too much time looking at the super cattle at Oakfield Dairy 🐮 on Facebook and their out of this world scoring. And then you see pictures of cattle from farms circa 1970 and think how much selective breeding has done to enhance cattle in recent years.