Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Already it's the second half of the month. 🍁 September is rapidly fading into October, with lots of color and cooler weather for the coming weeks and months. I'm so busy these days, but look forward to many adventures in changing seasons.

Does Soap Keep Deer Off Your Fruit Trees??

Deer is a problem everywhere. They get all over fruit trees, gardens and more. We've been fighting dear on our property for many years. But now I found the solution. It's called Iris Spring bar soap. The soap works great and a keeps the deer off the fruit trees. The reason it works is because the soap leaves a cent in the orchard that the deer don't like. Once the deer smell the soap they stay away because people smell like soap!!

Sent control is a big thing when hunting, 🏹 and apparently it is on farms too. 🌱