Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Already it's the second half of the month. 🍁 September is rapidly fading into October, with lots of color and cooler weather for the coming weeks and months. I'm so busy these days, but look forward to many adventures in changing seasons.

NB88 – A fall day at the cabin – the way life should be!

Lately when I go down to the library or other places I've really gotten into downloading and watching Youtube videos. I'm very impressed with NB88's channel and his simple but nice off-grid cabin he has up in the woods of Maine. Not too run down or shabby, but not full of modern technology like some people insist on having.

Derbyshire Hill

Heading down Derbyshire Hill on Clarksville South Road, looking down towards the escarpment in Big Red.

4 Ways to Deal with Manure

Manure management should be a priority on your farm or ranch.  Today we look at 4 ways to deal with manure and how it can even make you money.

Kind of a shitty topic but still an interesting video on manure management.

South Berne

Driving through South Berne on Albany County Route 1.