Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Getting away this weekend for some rest and relaxation in the wilderness. πŸ•οΈ Hoping for a mostly rain-free weekend, but I'll take whatever the weatherman gives. πŸ˜ƒ And then it's just cruising into Memorial Day πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²Weekend and kicking off. ⭕️ I was looking at the tube and thinking it won't be long before I'm floating down the East Canada Creek. πŸ–οΈ

Mud Soaked Ford Ranger

Did I mention that Moose Club Way was awful muddy? Fun though. I wish I had remember to top off the windshield washer fluid first though. The kayak road perfectly fine on the roof, tied down with bungees and ropes, despite the rough truck trail.

Taken on Saturday May 21, 2011 at Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest.

Download NYS Ground Level LIDAR Data using R

This code will download ground-level LIDAR digital elevation model, the best available, for any part of state when you supply it with a shapefle. It queries the rest server with the dem indexes, and then downloads the relevant files, and joins them into one image.


shape_to_download <- read_sf('/path/to/shapefile_of_area_to_download.shp')

lidar.url <- tibble()

for (i in seq(2,14)) {
  if (nrow(lidar.url) == 0)
    lidar.url <- get_layer_by_poly(str_c('',i),
                                            shape_to_download, sp_rel='intersects'

# download and merge all lidar titles that intersect
map(lidar.url$DIRECT_DL, \(x) {
  lidar.file <- tempfile(fileext = '.tif')
  download.file(x, destfile = lidar.file)  
  lidar <- rast(lidar.file)
}) %>% sprc %>% merge %>% writeRaster('output.tif')