Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

October and already the leaves are fading away in the Adirondacks. πŸ‚ Most shocking to me is that we are less then a month away from November, which in many ways should be a sigh of relief with the craziness of work and with the deep blue skies and crisp days of that month.

Congressional Districts, Malapportionment in 2021

Congressional Districts, Malapportionment in 2021

While Congressional Districts are evenly propositioned within their states, the formula that allocates the number of districts to states makes some under and over populated.

In addition, over the past year, people have moved since the 2020 Census was completed, which has further distorted the population in each Congressional District.

Nice Autumn Day at the Potholers

Enjoying the cool waters on a hot late summer day in mid-September at the Potholers Swimming Hole, aka Bray House Falls on Piseco-Powley Road. Despite the mercury being around 80 degrees, the trees are turning colors.

Why I’m shooting for age 70

One of the most peculiar beliefs of man kind is that life should be prolonged as long as possible, anything less than that is considered to be mentally ill or at least tragic.

Hunter S. Thompson planned to live until age 50 before blowing his brains out. He ended up prolonging his life until age 67 when his declining health made him decide to end his life. But I would argue that is too young to die, as one can be of excellent physical shape and mental acuity well into one’s seventies, especially if one eats healthy and doesn’t have a life of hard labor or abuses rather than uses drugs.

Seventy seems like a good goal to live to. Like Hunter S. Thompson the year doesn’t have to be ultimatum but a goal to live in maximum health and experience, not so worried about trying to prolong every final year of life. Knowing you are shooting for a reasonable goal in life – is liberating as you can have some fun and risk – without worrying about the consequences in advanced age. And that you are in power, not hospital or person listed in a medical decision directive.

But I’m planning to at least somewhat retire by age 55 or at least do something with my life meaningful and worthwhile – long before age 70. A decade to discover who I am before it’s over on my own terms, turned to mush on the floor, my off grid cabin turned to ash and unburnable rubble soon to be overgrown in the wilderness. To become food for the coyotes, raccoons and other scavengers in the woods rather wrapped in plastic at some hospital a few meaningless decades later.

But what do I know…. Those days are 29 years from now. Things can change. And I could decide to rack up a few more years like Dr. Thompson did. But you got to live life, even if there are some costs to longevity.