Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Already it's the second half of the month. 🍁 September is rapidly fading into October, with lots of color and cooler weather for the coming weeks and months. I'm so busy these days, but look forward to many adventures in changing seasons.

Sixty Miles of Backwoods Freedom (from 2004)

When is the last time, you just grabbed your camera, filled up your tank, and drove, with few parameters? The only limitations where I wasn’t going to go farther then 60 miles or so round trip, and had a rough idea of going through Rensselaerville SF and Partridge Run.

Well, I tried that on Tuesday. It was kind of a way to escape. I got some really nice pictures, and saw some interesting things along the trip.

First off, was the triangle I came upon. I actually went to triangle intersections β€”they are interesting to photograph, and get a look at them close up. A triangle is a beautiful shape, I must say.

The Road

Then it was west. Big open roads, cruising away. Stop for a shot at Johnnie Cake Road in Rensselaerville, with a picture of a barn and the Catskills in the background.

Scutt Road

I turned down the road, and drove down it, the hills and all. Stopped at the end, and got another picture of the Catskills, facing down 357 (or one of those 350-399 Renselearville Alb County Roads ;). A farm field, with a trailer, bailing equipment, and a bunch of junk in the center. An interesting view, to say the least.

Then it was to the other triangle. No, I don’t remember what the name of these corners are β€”does it really matter? I drive past a farm, with a freshly painted sign advertising their holstein cows. Far better, then the rusty, ugly farm signs that tend to dot the roads.

I have to mention the beauty of the bright blue sky, on the green grass. There is something so nice about spring. And being out where it’s open. And not having a plan.

Catskills from Cheese Hill

Winding down Cheese Hill Road, was interesting. Some interesting views of the valley, and the rolling hills. I stopped to get a picture of the turkey that was on the road, set my parking brake, and reached out with my camera. By then, the turkey was gone.

Niagara Escarpment

Niagara Escarpment

Between Lockport and Newfane there is an over 200 foot drop as one descends the Niagara Escarpment, the same drop that exists in Niagara Falls. 

The schizophrenia risk πŸ€ͺ 🌈

Opponents of cannabis like to point out the risk of smoking cannabis, especially satavia strains which are much more psychedelic and in some cases can make you much more paranoid. After all, you are essentially turning up the volume on cannaboid receptors. It’s what gives the vivid and rich texture to the music, makes the waterfalls and trees glisten so much.

I think the psychedelic experience is worthwhile but I concede that paranoia is a very dangerous thing. Good cannabis doesn’t put you to sleep or make you focus on your problems but instead puts a shine on the richness of the world. You have to know what you are smoking and what it will do to you. Critical Mass wasn’t for me as it fed my fears I live with every day but Tropical Skittlez really made me find my Zen and take in the wilderness around me.

I’ve been reading a lot about Cannabis and the research on what makes a pleasant experience and what the actual risks are. Certainly there are well documented cases of people who succumb to schizophrenia after smoking cannabis, sometimes weeks or months later. Often it’s blamed on stronger cannabis or concentrates. Most modern cannabis, especially satavia strains are strong. Maybe it is and you have to be careful like everything in life.

The link though is not as clear as it might be. Do people prone schizophrenia self-medicate on cannabis or does it actually cause the often lifetime debilitating disease? I’m in my early to mid 40s now so I’m beyond the peak years of risk of developing schizophrenia but as a single adult, an largely independent person with a relatively small friends circle who spends a lot of time alone, I know I’m at higher risk of a psychiatric break. Plus I already have anxiety problems and have been known to have nervous breakdowns under stress, mostly in private.

Still I’m being careful. Outside of Critical Mass stain, things have generally been good experiences though I definitely prefer Satavia leaning stains over the Indica strains. You might think the psychedelic nature is more at risk then more relaxing strains but I find the beauty and richness of psychedelia puts my mind much more at ease then how Indica leaves me trapped in the world, locked down to the hammock. Maybe these trips on vacation in the wilderness are dangerous but I actually like what it’s doing to my mind, in many ways making me a richer person.