For every 98 men in America there are 100 women.

But life is complicated. Male embryos die at a much greater rate then female embryos during the first week of pregnancy. But females don’t develop as well in the uterus and are more likely to naturally abort or be stillborn. For every 105 male live births only 100 females are live birthed in America. But as soon as a baby boy is born they face greater risk of morality then a baby girl.

Through age 28, the gender ratio of 105 men to 100 woman remains true. By as men reach there 30s, the weakness of the male gender – higher average morality at a younger age starts to creep in. By age 40, there are only 102 men for 100 women.

By the time a man and women reach the age of 53 in America there are 100 men for 100 women. At age 55, there are only 99 men for 100 women. By age 65 it drops to 93 men for 100 women. Gets worse for men at Age 70, when only 88 men are left for 100 women.
By age 91, there are only 50 men left for 100 women and for the 100 plus age group only 24 men for every 100 women.

Ultimately it balances out American population wise for 98 men to 100 women. But the story of life is complicated – high male embryo morality, then higher female fetus morality and then ultimately it’s the higher male morality that gives females a slight demographic edge throughout their lives. Demographics and the story of life is fascinating.

Round Lake

This is the Round Lake in Malta, one of several located in state.

Partially Frozen

I was looking through my archives and discovered I never uploaded most of the pictures I took during my hike at the Hannacroix Preserve, earlier in the month. This shows the fairly frozen waterfall.

Taken on Sunday January 13, 2019 at Hannacroix Preserve.