Jason Aldean Slams COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate in California Schools | Billboard News
Understanding How Facebook Disappeared from the Internet
“Facebook can't be down, can it?”, we thought, for a second.
Today at 1651 UTC, we opened an internal incident entitled "Facebook DNS lookup returning SERVFAIL" because we were worried that something was wrong with our DNS resolver ?But as we were about to post on our public status page we realized something else more serious was going on
Near Cayuta Lake
Cayuta Lake is a small lake located in Schuyler County, New York, United States. It is within the Town of Catharine, about three miles north of Odessa. The lake is also referred to locally as Little Lake, along NY 228.
Sunset at Kane Mountain Firetower
A mid-summer evening at Kane Mountain, watching the sun set.
Betty Brook Road
This is in a rougher section of the truck trail, next to a logged field.
Taken on Saturday October 10, 2009 at Burnt-Rossman State Forest.