Halfway through August πŸ‚

This summer seems to have faded away so quickly. Some of it has been the many rainy weekends, some of it was the ease of catching the free nature bus to Thacher Park, some of it was the anxiety over everything, and just the odd times we all live in – working downtown more days a week.

It’s not to say that there weren’t any memorable moments. Camping and remote work in the spring time in Spectulator. Hiking Watch Hill. Juneteenth Weekend at Piseco-Powley. Hiking along the Stoney Creek to Wilcox Lake. Summer vacation and the Finger Lakes Trail. Many weekends at Thacher Park. The heat wave eating clams and swimming at the Potholers.

The days go by so quickly it seems. I try to explore new places and create new memories but sometimes there isn’t a lot left to explore nearby. Plus with the solar panel on my truck, I prefer to just set up camp, sit back and just stay in one location once camp is set up.

Labor Day will come and then it will be back to working downtown five days a week. I was hoping the mask mandate would be done at the library but I guess that is back for now, so I’ll probably avoid going down there but I assume at some point Delta will burn its way through and things will return to normal.

Autumn can be pretty. It’s a quiet year for me and I’m hoping to get to West Virginia come mid October. Enjoy the leaves, do some small game hunting. And those nice the long autumn nights with yummy meals with the chill of the night.