Mount Tremper

Mount Tremper

This 3D map shows the trail and overview of Mount Tremper looking north. 

The ethics of killing Gypsy Moths along the trail πŸ›

Once again walking through the woods this weekend at one of preserves I came across a big nest of Gypsy Moths with their tent teeming with hungry catapilliars ready to hatch out in a few weeks and become troublesome pests defolidating the forest rather then beneficial moths or butterflies. I grabbed a stick and knocked it loose from the tree, and then using my foot smashed as many of them as I could.

I was surprised nobody else has done likewise. Gypsy moths are certainly a pest, and while no one person can eradicate them all themselves, it seems like it’s a step forward to kill those who are in your path. For sure it’s a no question judgement on your own land, but when seeing them on public lands, should you take the time to knock them down and smash them? While nobody else did, I certainly took the time to do it.